What sh2 billion can do for thirsty Kenyans - Marsabit dam
The Marsabit park vegetation The abandoned lodge I have made it my business to step in all the 47 counties before the end of the year and at this rate, i might just do that before Jamhuri day. Early in the month i was in Marsabit and two things caught my eye, the green vegetation you see as you drive through the county and more so Marsabit town, and the second is lack of fresh piped water in the town and its environs. Parking outside Equity Bank at the heart of the town, you will see carts pulled by donkeys ferring tens of jerricans for water vendors who are making a killing in the town. The foot bridge Water shortage in Marsabit has been such a nightmare that people can go for days without seeing a drop during drought. You will only get fresh water in very few places like the hotel we stayed in, Saku guest house. In my tour i realized most hospitality businesses are on the verge of closing because of the lack of water. On the second day...