Garissa University Attack, My heart

“We don’t remember days, we remember moments”….Cesare Pavese said this in his time while reflecting on eventualities of life.
In the past few days since the Garissa attack I have been silent from posting any information or opinion on the issue for one reason, to read what the world has to say on the issue.
Nothing is as stressful for a young, ambitious person as the process of enrolling for a university programme, having in mind that most students have to re-locate from their homes to new places. This was the case for about 85% of students at the now closed Garissa University.
152 of the students are no more, the biggest tragedy Kenya has experienced from a terror attack.
Security has been and is the major challenge that we as Kenyans face yet little or no effort has been put to change this sad fact.
After the Westgate attack on September 21, 2013 Kenyans were shaken but quickly rose to their feet and life went back to the ‘usual’.
Families lost their loved ones, children included and there was response from all parts of the country; be it donations, emergency response was fast, trauma and depression for victims was made possible and today I have a feeling that most people regained their peace of mind.
Garissa Attack: One thing that is commendable is the manner in which the government handled the attack, security response was immediate and this time there was coordination by all forces. Most of all is that the USA security forces in the country even joined our well trained soldiers and police officer to save the nation from more blood-stain.
The blame and responsibility has to however lie on someone(s).
- Top security bosses, cabinet secretary for Interior Coordination-You guys cannot fly to Garissa on Military Choppers and let our elite response squads travel on road yet they are the people who needed to respond to the attack.
- The President, speeches do not work at all times, action needs to be taken because the feeling is that trouble starts from the top of the food chain( allow me to use that word).PR  needs to be dropped at times.
- Kenyans, being a social media soldier does not help as much (myself included).Lets e vigilant and help the government keep us be safe. Do not also give a bribe to be picked into the upcoming police recruitment.
- Our esteemed police officers, US machinery soldiers, Recce Squad and other security organs, thank you. Always rise to the occasion like you did even in other internal security threats. My special focus; police officers please be human or learn to be.

That said, my heart goes to those who lost loved ones, those who died may you rest in peace because you died just like a soldier dies in war. The affected families, may peace prevail. The government, social media will not stop till the country is safe and lastly to all citizens, lets be vigilant and lets speak out.


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