September 7
Will the Prime.Photo/Mosgajaz This is a normal day for everyone, you wake up, smile, check your Whatsapp messages and reply, then off to the shower. After that you then pack a bad of your usual stuff; a charger, earphones, notebook, pens, a camera and the water bottle that is making headlines. Knowing you will not use that bag for the day. That is a fast-forward from September 3.This hot afternoon I am sitted at the Jobless corner with one of my uncles (people who know my shagz know where this is) and we busy chatting the normal issues men talk about. Then the pertinent issue pops and we delve into it. An hour later I grow the balls and decide that that call is way overdue and its the time we make or break. Me: Hi how are you? Prime: Hi William how are you? Me: I am alright and how about you? Prime: I am easy no worries. Me: Am glad, now, we need to hook up soonest we can, its not that glittering on this end. Me: Alright cheers.(hangs up) After am d...