Monday Night with Flo

Fingers of friends.Photo/Courtesy

History will be re-written, but as that happens I will put a few words together.
Monday afternoon was quite a busy day for me as I had errands to run plus to a point that I skipped lunch (Not so Prime-like)
I am in a point in life where any decision I make is key and reflects on several
I have overcome lots of stuff and more so managed to remain afloat. I however got some snack late evening before heading out to meet with the ever lovely and classy Florence.
This lady and I have lots of great memories together, we laugh about some very lame jokes we drop on and of each other.
things now and in the future.
She also has a good heart and time spent with her is never a waste.
Nowadays I like having coffee at Java Kimathi street because I love their coffee and service.
So when I asked her to meet up at 7.30 she agreed, only to get before me there and sadly there was no seat.
So she crossed over to Kaldis and got a table for two. I got there and after some little pleasantries we got to our conversations as we dug into some good Chips masala (Someone said yake ni kidogo) and later a glass of Milkshake.

A two and half hour chat ended up with some good points in my head:

1.  Don't just read, actualize the fact that you have to work hard and smart in your 20's, invest in your 30's and retire in your 40's

2. Do not at any point stand up to people who reason with their ego because it will hurt you in ways you do not understand.

3. Make yourself happy, however right you think Is right.

4. Learn to save, the loose change you throw around is a large amount in the long run.

5. Learn to forgive people, accept  what friendship and love has to offer.


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