Late Governor's PA Gakuru's story: Huduma Centre people told me the can't replace an ID for someone with no fingers

One day I am seated in the house and I ask my wife. 'I am told many came to see me at the hospital. Please because I can't remember that Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday you need to tell me who came '. Shaking her head shocked says 'How now, si you talked to them. How now don't you remember '(story for another day).

That 7th November 2017.  My memory has refused to remember details to-date. But I remember when going for theatre I was to have my hand cut off from the wrist, but on gaining conscious after two days I found the hand tucked inside the abdomen. Doctor told me  something "for the hand trauma I decided to do a flap reconstruction so that you may have a" palm maybe to hold something. It's 50/50,it works at times and others it fails but no harm trying. I would stay with the hand in the abdomen for 7weeks. Sleeping only with the back, can't even seat well. Daily wound dressing. Long days and nights.

Dates stuck in me. 10th December we had the 2nd surgery in Doctors language 'groin flap separation '. Amazing, meat had grown from the stomach to fill the palm.

More clinics till to dress the wound. The flap had decided to die and had to be saved through daily clinics. Clinics did not work so it required a 'debridement surgery ' on 30th December 2017; Xmas spent with bad wound and now new year in hospital wound.

More clinics till 11th January 2018 for another surgery 'reconstruction and reattachment'. Funny prescription was that the hand must be lifted up,that why I would place it on the head at all times.

One more (maybe last one) surgery to go, this Thursday 8th ......

Times -good and bad. Day and nights -long and very long, at times painful. Doing dosage of tablets in 20s after every 6hours. Daily surgical clinics at the Agha Khan. Legs waking up some days and decide not to move. Shoes were history artefacts. Real friends visits, support and calls, many ran away BTW. Young family grounded; God providing for us miraculously. Lots of experiences and challenges; simple tings like i can't tie a shoe laces but then Muchiri wants only Dad to do it.

Many more to share with you brothers, sisters, real friends and comrades. Like how I insisted on going to late Mau Mau Governor burial against all advices and never to return to the ward; a friend I had made in the ward had decided to go to be with the Lord and SO I HAD TO HIVE AN ESCAPE FROM THE WARD.Or how Huduma Centre people told me the can't replace an ID for someone with no fingers. Will find it to share with when we sit and have a drink or bite or a ride or a flight (hopeful soul) or business meeting out there.

The Lord has been faithful. Yes, the God who works miraculously. I am a testimony of him and even the Bible - that two will be walking together, one will go (sadly) and the other will be left. The Lord using you people to support me and my family ;gracious God. Wonderful healing that meat can grow from the stomach.

All we have to say is to thank you Lord. Have a day of Prayer, Thanksgiving and Celebration.

Sunday 11th March 2018, I Albert Gakuru Muchiri humbly request you to join me in this at my home church MUNG'ARI ACK  in Mukurwe-ini, Nyeri county  and our home next to the church we celebrate together.
 Tuombe, tuimbe, tuzungumze, tusherehekee, tukule na tukunywe pamoja!


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