The Kigumo challenge

Kigumo MP Ruth Wangari. Photo/COURTESY
A leader is born with the traits in them, thereby explaining the analogy that they are God sent.
The Man Theory as well as Trait Theories will elucidate that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership.

There are certain inborn characteristics that predispose people to be and become leaders.
A research conducted in 2013 also found out that acquiring a leadership position mostly depends on developing skills, inheriting the leadership trait can also play an important role.

Anyway enough on theories and research. A friend of mine, KaDenno the other day challenged me to pen my thoughts on my home Constituency, Kigumo, matters leadership and current affairs.

I have a personal principle of abstaining from airing my take on some issues, and this is one of them because of my interest(s), stand and even perception of WHAT and HOW Kigumo Constituency should be.
August 8th was the end and beginning of a treacherous road for politicians who were vying for different seats in Kigumo.
In a race that started with over 14entrants, the last laugh was with Ruth Wangari Mwaniki who won the seat on a Jubilee ticket after earnestly fighting to garner a majority votes, a historic first for Kigumo to be represented by a lady MP.

First forward. August 2018 is the first year the legislators have been in office and as expected voters will always start rumbling and asking on work either started, finished or even underway, but that us if the office does not communicate on the same.

Back to recent History, Kigumo was represented by 2017 Governor Aspirant Jamleck Kamau for a decade.
In his tenure there was progress on roads, school building and equipping, appreciation of teachers, issuance of school bursaries for students and pupils, security matters, youth empowerment et al, two years ago a day after my birthday he outlined his record in Kigumo there's no need to narrate that.

History helps us focus on what is important as we create a path to the future. A driver of any vehicle will take it forward and i believe that is what the current MP and her team are determined to do.
Any candidate for Kigumo MP seat had outlined his or her manifesto and this is what we as voters use to judge whether it was boot to asses (meaning working) or hot air.

I was lucky to get a copy of Ruth's manifesto and except for a fe things it was well thought out. My eye caught two things i hold dearly, security and social empowerment for the youth and women.
Here, i will personally make it my business to seek for questions at the end of the term as she seeks for a second term as Kigumo legislator.

An MP's role is to ensure that the needs of his or her electorate get to the government, laws are made to help make lives better, and that development gets to her, either through lobbying or spending the kitty allocated to their office. (It is important to explain to people on how money in the CDF kitty gets in and out, as well as the ex chequer bit).

The immediate former MP left a record that is still quite impressive and i believe that anyone elected to an office should leave a mark.
Ruth has had a stint, more like a a long term career at the helm of various government agencies, it is up-to her to use the experience and deliver in Kigumo.

AWC, a website that writes on matters women, advocacy states that Mwaniki will have to work twice as hard to be able to eliminate the comparisons that will come out, and to me this is almost true.
More on this: Women made a point at the just concluded polls

On her record as MP, i am a believer of time. Rome was never built in a day, but crumbling can happen in a second, ask Governor Ferdinand Waititu (Kiambu).
We, the voters, whether we cast a vote for or against, are mandated to sit back and ensure that what we need comes our way, or at least part of it.

Essentially, the Kigumo MP's office should initiate projects for the people, communicate to them on the same, and after completion share the record.
In our part as voters we are assigned as the recipients, so we should propose what needs to be done, wait for it to be completed and then seek answers on whether it was done to our wishes and satisfaction.
You cannot seek for answers to questions you are yet to ask.

Over time, i have done a bit of research and social media is the future of anything and or anyone.
As we all master the use of this mega tool, let us do it effectively and for our gain, either as a community or as a person.
The Bible says 'Do not spend your strength on women, your vigor on those who ruin kings.' (◄ Proverbs 31:3 ►), likewise, do not spend your time on the internet unless it is paying your bills.

I would write more on this but i will save that for the biography. I sign out with questions, and statements.
1. The office of a politicians needs to always answer questions that are genuine.
2. Campaigns are gone, the future is in development, its time to put the foot on the gas (however as a ref i would wave play on on politics).
3. People should not put their fingers on the hacksaw, if you have no reason to, do not spoil for a fight.
4. A record is not achieved based on sideshows, it is marked out on work done, both personally and even for the larger community.
5. In one year, work should either be done or underway. Jibes and mudslinging as well as emotions will not serve anyone good.

The wording, approach and opinions are solely mine.
Well, on to more challenges.


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