Teenage Pregnancy in Kenya, who to blame

The 2018 results exposed a potential national threat we could face as a country in the near future, over 100 girls who sat for the exam were pregnant.
This has left all stakeholders in the education sector in shock as it exposes to levels of unprotected sex students and pupils below the age of 18 years are engaging in.
Of the 100, 9 delivered as the exams were ongoing and leading to Kenyans expressing outrage on Social media accounts.
According to statistics from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFP), between June 2016 and July 2017, 378,397 adolescents in Kenya aged 10 to 19 got pregnant.
The organisations are now calling for a multi-disciplinary approach to end the vice that they say changes the dimension of childhood for the children involved.
The organisations blame teenage pregnancy on continued erosion of cultures in the African set up.
Many people who have had teenage pregnancy blame it on being lured by either older people or teachers in their respective schools.
The government has ordered for an end into this by sensitizing young students on the hurdle that lies after teenage pregnancy.
Most victims are also dissapointed with the society for continued stigmatization from the society.
They seek for the government to incorporate sexual education in schools to make students more aware of the change in lives that early pregnancy brings into their lives.


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