My Thoughts

I have decided to pen a random piece today.I have made it a habit to have lunch with either family of a friend at least once a week.This makes me have them close-by  and ensure that we have the love we are supposed to have.
The Author-PrimeTimePlayer
I am very close with those two parts of my life because we have a long history together;I am specifically close with some relatives that people who cannot tell we are related will go home saying and thinking of us as lovers.I have to name these people who make me smile and laugh every day;Dorcas my twin, Sylvia my better half(not in that context you are thinking), My granma, my mum, my granpa,my two William brothers and my aunt.This is because we observe specific fundamentals we observe.I thinks its all fair enough if i shared them.

Love and respect
This is paramount in any relationship.It ensures that all relationships are maintained as well as practising these two great values that go hand-in-hand for better long-term relationships.Enough said.
Healthy Communication
Avoid absolute language so as not to hurt each other. It means using statements that describe your feelings instead of that often make the other person feel attacked. 

Similar Core Values/Desires
A critical component to successful relationships is determining if you and your significant partner(s) other have similar core values and desires. Ensure there is at least one.

 Expressing Your Love and Appreciating Each Other
Families and friends that demonstrate love for each other have long-term and successful affairs.
Particularly appropriate when they can demonstrate affection and maintain a positive connection to their significant other when in the middle of conflict.

With those three points on why and how i maintain these relationships, all bound by love get what you can, some day it will come in handy.


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