AUGUST 28, 2015 Break or Make

The PrimeTimePlayer.Photo/Mosgajaz
This photo was taken exactly one year, two months and ten days ago.It shows many things that very few people have ever seen in me.(Ignore my mug)
In that person there is a spirit of resilience, struggle, pain, love, happiness, bitterness, peace anger, anxiety and most of all, a smile on the face for the world.
2 decades+, a boy was born full of life and ready to face this world of realities.The celebrations later became reality of raising a prime being.
Years down the line, I am this young man who has gone through most of what his peers only read on blogs and in Jeffrey Archer novels. I would say so much but on this step in life, I can only give thanks to God, my family, friends, acquaintances, frenemies and colleagues.
After God I solely thank my family for this far, I have done so much with their help and am sure with the new year in my small world, the world will open more doors for me, and them.
My bosses and colleagues have also done so much to shape me to the person I am.
My friends, some have stuck by me, others have left and I am still able to hold my head high, keep the spirit and stick closer than I do.
My love life, here is where I will not write much, but the love I have would feed a hundred pigeons three meals a day for an year.
Down here is where I mention a few names: Ruth Senior, William Senior, Tosh, Cherop, Monique, Ndugu, Shiru, Manju, Kihoi, Muthoni, Soni, Kada Steve, K you people are my pillar.
Sly, Linc, My BFF Maureen, Senator Luiz, Generali, George, Biggie, Were, Faith, Teresa, Ann Trincess, Martins, Nzau, Slave Master, Irene, Generali, Karis, Wamaitha, Maam, Lina, Jomunji and Jae, you are my close and small circle!!

In other news, knock yourself out all the way, BECAUSE I WILL.


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