The Somali Life-

In life, ALLAH gives us relatives. We do not choose our relatives but find them. He also gives us the freedom to choose our own friends. My mother taught me this lesson when I was a young boy. I grew knowing the need to choose the right friends. Those who will be with me no matter the circumstance. The kind of friend who will advise me when I go wrong. A friend who will pull me from trouble when what I am doing seems the right thing. Many years down the line, I have made a number of friends, a few who matter and are worth a million. To them, I toast a long life, happiness and progress by the will of ALLAH (swt).

My closest friend Farah Abdi often taught me the Islamic religion. We had been friends for more than six years. So I wanted to know more about his religion. He told me Islam meant peace. I was so happy to learn the meaning of the Islamic greeting, “As-salam alaykum” which means Peace be upon you. It was great since it is not just a greeting but a wish. A wish we make upon those we meet and when they answer, they wish peace upon us as well.

Farah believes in peace, he loves his religion. He always told me how ALLAH was most merciful and most beneficent. He told me that ALLAH knows all things and knows best. I was always happy listening to the hadiths as he taught me Quranic stories. I also wish to practice this great form of greeting and urge every Somali brother and sister to practice this greeting. Only then can we play a role in making peace. The words “peace be upon you” will certainly not be in vain.

Despite the presence of AMISOM peace keepers in Somalia, there is need for the local population to embrace the meaning of this nobble salaam. I know that only the local Somalis can make peace happen. This is by making efforts to reconcile themselves. Being their brothers keepers and making efforts to emulate ALLAH who is most merciful and beneficent. The locals will have to learn that violence hinder progress. Shedding innocent blood is not allowed by our customs and even our religion. After all, we are all from one religion, one language and one tribe.

Being your brother’s keeper and wishing him peace will surely be a foundation to progress. The civil war that has lasted more than 20 years has nothing good to show for or to be proud of. Many men, women and children have lost their lives to war and Al Shabaab. More than 1 million Somalis are now refugees in other countries as a result of this conflict while millions have lost their property in a seemingly unending conflict. Many children are orphaned and their future is bleak and uncertain.

Look back and realize that you have lost very much as a country in a battle that is not worth it. ALLAH blessed you with clans, a heritage that you should be proud of. He blessed you with a culture and a great religion that means peace. You are Somalis, you are a great people… the descendants of Ishmael. You can be an example to the world by practicing peaceful co-existence. Make many friends including your neighbors envy your lifestyle by practicing the faith and inscribing this greeting in your hearts.

 Every time you utter “As-salam alaykum”, you mean it and practice it. If you practice it today, you shall secure a great future for your children. You will ensure they get a chance at life and ALLAH who is indeed so merciful most beneficent and knows all will be certainly be pleased. I am blessed to have a brother, Farah Abdi who taught me Islam. He is a great friend to whom I respect and thank ALLAH for. Peace be with you.

I post this as a way of celebration of the great skills that my brother John Tele has shown in his work.He takes all credit of this work as he is the author.


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